It all started with the company founder, Paul Adell Jr, seeing a need in the smartphone industry for a service that could provide quality and reasonably priced smartphone solutions right at customer’s doorsteps. Since then Blackwire Solutions Inc has been emerging as one of the leading smartphone unlocking and repair companies in the area, with excellent customer service and satisfaction.

Who We Are
What We Do
We provide Smartphone UNLOCKS, REPAIR & SUPPORT to you at an affordable cost, and unlike most companies you can deal with us ONLINE or COME INTO OUR STORE. iPhone Issues Like… Cracked screens, Charging Problems, Broken Buttons , Broken Camera, and Speaker Problems can be solved In 30 MINUTES OR LESS! Android Trouble Like… Frozen Screens, Device Won’t Turn On, Won’t Stay Charged Or Just Pain Acting Strange… WE CAN SOLVE IT! Smartphone Unlocks… We Provide Unlocks For Hundred Of Phones Under Most Of All The Major Carriers! We Also Do Pattern And Pin Code Removal In Cases Where You Forgot Your Password!